Gener T. Mendoza
Board of Directors / The Governance and the Management Team
GENER T. MENDOZA, Filipino, 57 years old, is an Independent Director of the Company. Mr. Mendoza is currently the President of GNCA Holdings, Inc. since 1997. Apart from his assignment in GNCA, he also serves as a consultant to the court-appointed rehabilitation receiver or liquidator for the following companies: Ensogo Inc., Universal Rightfield Property Holdings Inc., Pacific Activated Carbon Company Inc., Premium Agro-Vet Products Inc., National Steel Corporation, and Advent Capital Corporation. Previously, he was a Principal of SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co., Vice President for Corporate Finance at Kuok Philippine Properties, Inc., and Executive Vice President of Crown Equities Inc. He serves as a Director of IPM Holdings Inc., Organizational Change Consultants International Inc., ACM Landholdings, Inc., Dualtech Training Center Foundation, Inc., and Rose Pharmacy, Inc. He earned his MBA from the Harvard Business School and his Bachelor of Science in Management Engineering (summa cum laude) from the Ateneo de Manila University.